As one of the belt conveyor protectors, the
belt sway switch is widely used in industrial and mining enterprises. Although the belt conveyor will greatly reduce the labor intensity, prompting the transportation efficiency, there exists a possible risk: if the material is piled up irregularly on the belt when the belt conveyor system runs normally, the belt mostly will get off track, twisting, rolling, or evenly destroy the belt conveyor. The belt sway switch will take a crucial role in precaution, according to the deviation and twisting level to the belt, to alarm and shut the machine down automatically. It can protect the belt and keep the material away from scattering due to the twisting belt. However, there is a common problem when the conveying distance is long and many belt sway switches are installed, it’s not likely to find the trouble spot instantly, and need to check the switches one by one, which prolongs the time of elimination malfunction and takes a toll on the production.
We design a belt sway switch with indicator light to solve the above technical issue, it is comprised of the switch, main control device, vertical roll, two LED lights, of which the switch is placed on the side of the belt conveyor, the main control device installs inside of the switch, and the vertical roll mounts to 50~100mm of the belt conveyor, connecting to the main control device. While the LED lights are set on top of the switch, which also connects to the control device. To complete this technical scheme, we also need two dropping resistors installing among every LED light and main control devices. As the deviation exists, the off-track belt will touch the vertical roll and make it deflection, when it declines to a certain degree, the switch will send out a signal, and the connecting LED light will shine to remind the operators of the trouble spot. Also, the adjusted deviation device will be started, to automatically adjust the twisting belt without shutting down the machine. When the deviation comes to a serious degree, the
belt sway switch will send out an alarming signal, both LED light will be shining, also the belt conveyor system will stop running in the meantime. The belt conveyor will run smoothly when faults remove, the vertical roll will be auto reset to its initial state. Thanks to its integrative structure of simple, convenient, and no extra volume is required to mount the supply power, this kind of belt sway switch with high light, luminous efficiency, and less power consumed, which can be used in the dusty and humid working conditions to improve the production performance and drive down the maintenance cost. In combination with the primary alarm and secondary fault indicator, the deviation can be automatically adjusted or remind the operators time to restore the off-track belt.
For the
belt sway switch, there are two levels of angle, first level: 10°, 12°, 20°; second level: 30°, 35°, 45°. When the deviation degree comes to the first level, this is, the inclination range of the vertical roll is at 10°-20°, the switch will send out a warning signal for the operator, and start up the deviation device. When the deviation degree comes to the second level, the belt conveyor will stop automatically, the operator should immediately arrive the trouble shot according to the alarming position to remove the fault. After the belt returns to normal, it can load material accordingly.