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Time:Oct 14th, 2019

The failure and solution of sidewall belt conveyor

In order to solve the problem that the seleccted coal enters the coal storage and the screened coal enters the original surface production system, simplify the conveying system, reduce the investment, improve the production line, belt conveyor with 60° inclination Angle and 90° vertical corrugated sidewall belt conveyor has been successfully applied, and accumulated the experience of use and maintenance.
sidewall belt conveyor
Structure feature and technology characteristic
The driving principle of sidewall belt conveyor is samed as ordinary belt conveyor, the main difference is in the structure form of conveyor belt, besides, the return pulley, return idler and other parts are different.
On both sides of the surface layer of the base belt with transverse rigidity, the flexional and elastic sidewall belt shall be installed. The strength rubber division plate and elasticity is installed in the interval between the sidewall belt. The division plate is bonded to the base belt through secondary vulcanization. The base belt, baffle and corrugated sidewall belt form an overall flexible bucket belt structure to realize the purpose of conveying material with large incllination angle.
Failure and solution
Broken belt
When the corrugated sidewall belt conveyor ruuning after a period of time, the corrugated sidewall belt be wear seriously and the basebelt be bonded. By the analysis of the reasons for this phenomenon is: 1.in the traditional design, the the structure of big , small corner wheels is integrated. Under the same speed, the linear speed of large and small corner wheens is inconsistent. As a result, the corrugated sidewall belt that along with small wheel flange be broke. 2. In the traditional design, the return idler only supports the outside of base belt. Due to the lack of transverse rigidity, and the conveyor belt deformation gradually increased, finally, the corrugated sidewall be broken.
Solution: 1. Change the structure of corner wheel, change the heavy load corner wheel to multi-idler circular side structure, install a bearing in the corner wheel. So that the corner wheel and the large whell have a relative rotation, no traction phenomenon; 2. Increasing the quantity of return idler, the belt idler be installed to hold the corrugated sidewall belt and the outside of basebelt, and it adopts the plastic structure to adjust the distance of two type of belt idler, making the whole corrugated sidewall belt have uniforme force.
Material leakage
In the tranditional design, heavy duty corner adopts the corner wheel structure, due to the structure limitation, the diameter of corner wheel be limited and didn’t have any transfer solution. The conveyor belt suddenly changes direction during operation and the curvature radius is small. The coal is seriously dropped under the action of inertia force and centrifugal force.
Solution: It adopts multi-roller circular arc slide structure instead of the original universal variable angle wheel, and the operating curvature radius of the belt increases by more than 3 times to make the transition variable Angle of the belt stable, which effectively solves the problem of coal throwing.
Material feeding
When using, it is found that the corrugated sidewall belt with the same parameters has a volume of about 1/3 less than that of 60° inclination Angle. The main reasons are as follows: (1) more coal is cast in the 90° variable angle section;(2) heavy load flat section transition to the vertical section to form a natural accumulation Angle, rolling off part of the coal, and the force of the diaphragm, the front edge into a vertical shape, aggravating the rolling off of coal.
Solution: 1. Change the structure of corner wheel to redece the problem of material leakage; 2. Increasing the strength of division plate, and it is connected with corrugated sidewall belt. Increasing the inclination angle to 30° to increase the storage of material; 3 In the same flame structure of basebelt’s size, suitably increasing the width and heigth of sidewall and the quantity of division plate.
Sticky material
Due to the trough structure feature of the corrugated sidewall belt conveyor, the corrugated sidewall belt is particularly prone to material sticking at the transition angle betweent the division plate. The corrugated retainer and the base belt, which is more and more high and not easy to fall off by itself. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to be solved by adopting the corrugated retainer conveyor to transport coal.
Solution: in the unloading point of the conveyor at the back of the appropriate parts, the installation of electric beater, according to the frequency of constant vibration backstroke belt beat back, so that the binding coal off.
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